Iryde classifies, synthesises, recognises and extracts data from digital documents. Leveraging data extraction and entity recognition technologies, it enables you to quickly obtain specific information from your documents, automating the management of internal flows.
What data do you want to extract?
Accurate recognition
Proprietary OCR technology and accurate training
Custom search
Choose which data to extrapolate and which documents to analyze
Integrations with management softwares
Synchronization with your management software
Thanks to extraction and recognition functionalities, you can get automation of manual processes with immediate access to data and reduction of search times within lots of documents.
Iryde reduces errors due to distraction or misinterpretation during manual tasks by classifying and verifying information consistently and avoiding omissions or duplications.
Intelligent classification of documents into specific or customized categories and automatic recognition of names, dates, protocol numbers, amounts, and other specific elements in documents
Iryde allows extracted information to be saved in formats that can be easily integrated with other business systems.
By automating the most repetitive processes, you can reduce the number of man-hours required for document management as well as the costs of printing, physical storage and logistics.
Logistics for extracting information from transport documents, order optimisation, compliance monitoring and classification of contract documents
Neurally S.r.l.
Capitale sociale € 30.000 (i.v.)
VAT: 02160050387
Via L.V. Beethoven 15/C
44124 | Ferrara (FE)
Via Copernico 38
20125 | Milan (MI)